Sunday, 5 January 2014


Work has commenced on the building of the dams needed to form a lake in the Margrave's garden. The gardeners have been issued their orders and commence digging, as they toil the conversation goes thus...

Laxton- "'Tis beyond me why anyone would want to flood this 'ere valley"

Old Hodge- "Arrr"

Ellison- "Oye reckon this 'ere dam will upset the miller down the way if it mucks up the flow of the brooks"

Old Hodge- "Arrr"

Grieve- "'Bain't be no use saying anything. What if this dam should fail when the lake is full? The village will be washed away"

Old Hodge- "Arrr"

Clod- "Best we build it decent then, lest we all be drownded in our beds"

Old Hodge- "Arrr"

Meanwhile Herr Knecht the head-gardener looks on and sups his ale.


  1. They have better weather than we are having up here ! (by the way you have a job seeing the 'Comments' title ) Tony

  2. Yes I couldn't see the comment title either.I clicked randomly and it came up...
    Herr Knecht's boys have made a great start.Will we meet the designer soon?

    1. English designers in transit from home . Will arrive shortly.

  3. Hard work for the gardeners ! Found the hidden comment link - to sort out the text color try:

    - Select the blog from Your Dash Board
    - Select the Template option (just above settings) and the press the 'Customise' Button
    - select Advanced from top left hand side, then from the next column select Links
    - Change Link Colour, Visited Colour and Hover Cover as needed (there is a preview of sorts below)
    - Then press 'Apply to Blog' button, the View Blog link next to it to check the results

    Hope that sorts out your comment link OK (it will all apply to all other links - including the post title)

    -- Allan

    1. All sorted thanks Allan, much appreciated :-)
