Thursday 13 February 2014


The Margrave and Margravina, accompanied by the Margrave's advisor Topfglanz (and Nibbins the cat) are reviewing the newly raised Regiment Peinwik (on the left) and the existing Margraviate Regiment Stoorkopf (on the right) on parade in the parkland.

The proud new Regiment

The new colours depicting the green cross of Trompenburg, some myrtle boughs and a syrinx.

Detail of the command group

Regiment are HAT 54mm Prussians. The older Regiment Stoorkopf is currently varnished with Klear floor polish, but this looks rather dull next to the glistening yacht varnish of the new chaps, so a revarnishing is in order. 

During painting one of the new regiment went missing, no doubt stolen by a small podgy 3 year old hand. He has yet to appear, so numbers are down to a 20 man unit (including command) instead of the planned 21.


  1. A fine body of men indeed and Nibbins the cat too.

  2. Hi Springinsfeld, I've just read your comment on my blog and put a reply on there about your Conan project.

  3. Good-looking units! The designs of the flags are excellent -original yet perfectly credible.
    Ashamed it took me almost 2 months to discover your '18th C.-devoted' blog!
    Looking eagerly forward to enjoy more.

    1. Thanks one and all. Also abdul666, I'm glad you are on board as I seem to remember you are a Conan officianado too. New blog starting soon devoted to Hyborian battles, so join up early and you can give me advice :-)

  4. A fine looking unit, Springinsfeld. HaT's 54mm Prussians are great and your uniforms/flags suit them perfectly.

  5. Lovely scene and review of the troops. I expect Nibbins the cat though they we miaowvelously magmiaowficent.

    -- Allan

  6. Fabulous stuff!

    For some reason stupid Blogger won't let me join your site though... add it to my reading list. Blogger seems really buggy these days.

    1. Well thanks for coomenting. I am often baffled by Bloggers strange moods. Keep trying to follow though, it might work eventually!

  7. A fine body of men, very smartly turned out.

  8. Thanks Cameronian. I was impressed by your HOTT armies among all the other things you have painted. I must crack on with some myself.

  9. Beautiful work, and quite a good bit of work. 54mm is insane, your collection must be insane. I'd love to see the full work.

    1. I too am insane. Watched a lovely 54mm fantasy mass battle yesterday at Crusade in Wales....hundreds of cracking conversions using skeleton dinosaurs, old Timpo knights, a regiment of Friar Tucks....all excellent.
